Logistics Improvements Using CyberLock
Scheidt & Bachmann (“S&B”) has an enviable reputation for superb engineering and excellent customer service, providing Railway Ticket Machines throughout the UK and mainland Europe. Anyone travelling on the Rail system will have used their machines at some time.
With its ethos of Continuous Improvement, S&B and has embarked on an ambitious programme in the UK to improve its Customer experience still further. Within this article, we will explore these latest plans.

Improved Machine Management
Every ticket machine is highly secure. Managing authorised access has traditionally been an organisational challenge. Keys need to be available for the appropriate people, and since railway stations are geographically dispersed, that means lots of keys all being stored at various locations, with no real certainty over who is using the keys and when. We all know that mechanical keys can be lost, stolen or even duplicated without trace. The resultant security arrangements to help prevent this have cost time, inconvenience and money.
This is now changing. Using the impressive facilities within the CyberLock system provided in the UK by Sellox Limited, the traditional bunches of mechanical Keys are being replaced. Instead of bunches of Keys, our Engineers and Customers need just one CyberKey. This electronic marvel can be set to open locks just when needed – and is not limited to just one type of lock. In fact, there are over 400 types of lock in the CyberLock portfolio, including padlocks, switches and safelocks.
Our engineers can set out for the day with a Key that is totally secure. It opens nothing. When at the appointed station, its permissions are downloaded to the Key, and the engineer can set about the necessary tasks. After the tasks have been completed, the Key stops working until the next time it is needed, so that a lost Key has no consequence. Better still, our Customers can use the same type of Key for their own staff.
This new way or working has already identified many cost savings and security improvements. Wasted journeys to collect and return bunches of Keys from secure locations are no longer necessary. The administration of documenting the issue and return of keys is no more. The problems associated with lost or illegally duplicated keys have been eradicated. Changes in assigned routes can now be handled seamlessly, without a need to return to collect more Keys.
The business benefits are not just enjoyed by S&B. Our Customers now have the flexibility to expand this management control beyond Ticket Machines to other areas of their facilities that require improved arrangements. Initial trials have shown that the benefits of this control can be expanded to padlocked areas, sensitive equipment and prohibited areas, where Security and Health & Safety risks must be managed proactively.
CyberLock is an astounding product and will benefit any organisation that has the challenge of managing lots of Keys and a diverse estate of locks. We believe this is the future of flexible, responsive Key Management and Access Control. We are also committed to helping our Customers achieve improved logistics management, and CyberLock is an essential part of our approach.
Trials are underway in one Region and we will shortly be expanding this to other areas of the UK.
Ed Meijer
UK Service Director – Fare Collection Systems